-New Urban BEAUTY- The Best Beverages for Healthy, Youthful Skin

Today's NUY 40+ BEAUTY post is taking a moment to look at the largest organ on our body and how we can invest in its care. We're talking about the skin; and although normally,  as women we tend to focus on daily and weekly skin care routines to maintain a healthy complexion, today's beauty post is taking a deeper look into what we can actually put into our bodies to invest in healthy skin from within.  Nutrient-rich beverages straight from nature are an easy, and inexpensive way to help boost the surface and tone of our skin as well as fight premature aging.  In recent years,  we've come to discover and embrace green tea as the great wunderkind of skincare- a superhero anti-viral and antioxidant believed to combat everything from oily skin to acne & skin discoloration. But check out six other beverages you can try below in place of green tea when you're in the mood to switch things up.  Some we already know, and some may be on the more exotic end of the spectrum, but they are a welcome change from ordinary water when you'd like something healthier than coffee or soda during the day.

The absolute easiest way to incorporate skin-friendly beverages into your day? Simple lemon infused water is great to start. While we already know lemon aids in digestion and adds a healthy dose of vitamin C to boost the body's immune system,  lemon is also great detoxifier with powerful antioxidants. The vitamin C it provides in your water stimulates white blood cell production to protect against skin damage and hyperpigmentation and produces collagen to smooth out skin lines in the face.  To make your own lemon water,  simply add thinly sliced lemon to a pitcher of still or carbonated water and enjoy throughout the day.


Peppermint has long been used in topical beauty products for its ability to fight skin issues like acne, inflammation, and rashes.  Peppermint tea has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to balance hormonal levels to fight excess oil production in the skin. The antiseptic properties of peppermint help to reduce the appearance of blackheads and redness. Thankfully, pure peppermint tea is available at any supermarket, and the favorite we keep on standby at the moment is from TEEKANNE MINZE TEE (€ 1,99), found at your local REWE, or EDEKA.


On top of being popular new additive in beauty products for its ability to fight oil production and fade spots, Kurkuma, known a Curcuma or Turmeric in English, is believed to effective in taking away redness and inflammation. One of the more exotic tasting beverages we've tried, we like to simply add a heaping teaspoon of ground Curcuma to lemon-ginger tea with a splash of milk & sprinkle of cinnamon to make a quick Curcuma latte, or even better, brew ready made Curcuma Zimt Tee (€ 2,49) direct from ALNATURA, sold at Budnikowsky, DM, and alnatura.de .

Just trust us, it's really tastier than you think! Kale is loaded with powerful antioxidants and works overtime to balance out complexion and skin tone. When blended with fruits for natural sweetness kale smoothies only take a few moments to whip up and make for a tasty, nutritious present to your skin. If you don't already have a recipe on hand, check out our go-to favorite recipes HERE, or when you're out and about, we can recommend the vegan HIPSTER KRÄFTIGER BIO SMOOTHIE (€1,99) from DM Drogerie when you're on the go.


Collagen Protein
Collagen (known as Kollagen in Deutsche) is an ingredient that we not only seen sold in stores to aid in bone and joint health but one we have long known in topical beauty care to promote supple, radiant skin. Collagen is basically a protein that already exists in 75% of our skin; it contains amino acids that help keep it hydrated, plump, and firm.  As a food supplement, collagen powder has become popular as part of the "nutricosmetics" movement, believed to be helpful in aiding healthier, younger-looking skin as we lose approximately 1.5% of collagen in our skin each year after the age of twenty.  The brand Fit4Ever has unsweetened Collagen powder that's great for shakes, sold as KOLLAGEN HYDROLYSAT 300 (€18,99) via vitaminversand.de. From your local Budni or Rossman, you can also try a brand of collagen extract like that from German vitamin manufacturer DOPPELHERZ, right here.


And last but not least, we're bringing things back around full circle to green tea- but with a twist: MATCHA is the highly concentrated big brother to regular green tea, a centuries-old beverage originating in early 9th century Asia, and first appearing in Japan in the 1100s.  Because it is comprised of the entire green tea leaf & ground into a fine powder, it is the most potent form green tea in the world. In Japan, matcha is usually consumed as part of an elaborate, but graceful tea ceremony meant to celebrate the simple things in life. Matcha first began as a beverage consumed among the aristocracy but is now part of Japan's everyday food and beverage lexicon. Although matcha is a very simple beverage, it's been embraced globally for its health properties ranging from its ability to boost metabolism to aid in weight loss, to promoting immune function. As a natural antioxidant, it is believed to combat fine lines and wrinkles and is used in beauty products to help to slow down the classic signs of facial aging.  Now, you can taste the traditional beverage Japanese women have been enjoying for years as part of a healthy nutrition regimen for vibrant, radiant skin with BIO MATCHA TEE Pulver (€ 9,95) sold via DM Drogerie.