-NEW URBAN COMMUNITY- Entire Neighborhoods Leveled as Hundreds Missing in Northern California Wildfires

As we wind down for the evening in prep for the rest of the week,  NUY 40+ would like to take a moment to say that our thoughts are currently with all of our expat readers & friends of the blog who have roots and family back in the Napa and Somona wine regions of Northern California.

At present, it has been reported by the west coast offices of the Associated Press
( Twitter:@APWestRegion) that over 100,000 acres of land have been completely devastated, with over 2,000 homes and businesses lost, a current death toll of 15 (as of publishing of this blog post), and hundreds of other residents missing in the blaze.

Please know that our prayers are with you and yours at this time and we will continue to follow this story.

NUY 40+