-New Urban HEALTH- Quick Fit Workout Review: Burn to the Beat with Keaira Lashae

Fitness Personality Keaira Lashae (via Instagram)
So here's the truth about sedentary life as a middle aged woman: because the time is inching a lot closer to 50 than 40 right now for some of us, it's not unusual to notice some changes in our bodies at this stage of life, with a few rather alarming characteristics that we hadn't quite expected yet. If you've yet experienced a little stiffness in your limbs or that extra bit of muffin top settling itself around the waist line, you know what we're talking about, and joy, oh joy, to know that you're not alone.

Personally, I know that even in moving from a tropical climate to the rain and chill of Northern Germany, physically I've fared better with the weather here some years vs. others, because I do originally hail from the frost-friendly Midwest and snow blowing daily meters of fresh snow in the freezing cold is part of my DNA- that's how midwesterners live to be ninety years old. However there's one thing I cannot deny: when there is inclement weather in the DE (and that is often), getting me outside for physical activity is like pulling a tooth with eyebrow tweezers. There will be no bike riding in the rain for this NUY Diva.

The advent of technology and tech toys don't do much to encourage us to get outside and move during the winter months, either. On average, we expats of color absolutely move a great deal more than our Americans counterparts at home, but sometimes, when you wake up with that sore back or find yourself slightly winded (!?!) while making your way down to the LIDL, you realize, "okay, so  maybe I might not actually be moving enough...".  Especially when it's 9° C outside, raining, and the Good Lord  has blessed us with the finest hot teas the world has to offer and Netflix, Youtube, or Amazon Prime...or worse, all three, to keep us nice and cozy in the house when we're not working or out running errands.

After a few too many winter, then spring, then summer days enjoying the decadent wonder that is German cake in all sizes and flavors, couple that with too little movement for the body, and you might find yourself possibly feeling a little sluggish or inflexible, with unused body muscles that have the gaul to betray you (the nerve!), and a host of other maladies associated with age, changing metabolism, and physically inactive lifestyle.

It's already common knowledge that getting the body moving with moderate exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It can lower blood pressure, strengthen the heart, muscles, & bones, improve metabolism, and aid in weight control.  According to a new 2017 study released by University of California-San Diego College of Medicine, research has shown that we can now add a new benefit to that list: moderate exercise can stimulate your immune system and act as an anti-inflammatory, which can positively impact conditions like arthritis.

Knowing this, and wanting to get to the point of not constantly pulling or straining a muscle on my own body when working, I've set out to test a variety of mini-workouts available online- from 10-40 minutes each- to get and keep myself moving as the temperature dips, of all styles from folks of all ethnicities.  What I can attest in a few months of working out 2-4 times per week, 15-45 minutes each, is there has been a drastic improvement in my energy level, mental clarity, sleep pattern, and flexibility (all things it's easy to take for granted when one is younger).  While a little loss of poundage is also an obvious benefit of exercising, it is important to note that at this age, you actually feel a little more grateful for the relief ab exercises can gift your aching back than with being preoccupied with fitting a size 34. So,  the New Urban FIT series will review the workout experience of videos we've tried for those out there also looking for a way to keep moving during the chilly months... but not before consulting with your doctor first, of course!

First up for  QUICK & FIT REVIEW: LATIN FAT-BURN SIZZLE WORKOUT -Burn to the Beat with Keaira Lashae

Coming from a childhood studying dance at the Footpath Dance Company,  and years as a 20-something South Beach girl who loved to dance the night away, how not to love a dance-exercise video?  In addition to getting the heart rate up, dance-exercise videos hold your attention and keep you from easily getting bored with your workout routine.  We tried the following Latin Dance influenced video from fitness personality Keaira Lashae, and here is our assessment of the workout experience, courtesy of BeFit on YouTube:

LENGTH: 11 Minutes

LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY:  BEGINNER (best for those who already have light walking/exercise habits)

AEROBIC IMPACT LEVEL:  LOW (low-impact aerobics are gentler on rickety ankles and knees when coming into contact with the floor) 
INSTRUCTOR RATING: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️  ⭐️ . 5 / 5
Lashae is an upbeat, engaging teacher with a lighthearted attitude and encouraging tone of voice

HOW WE FELT POST-WORKOUT: Experienced light perspiration, raised heartbeat, could still maintain talking while in movement, felt refreshed afterwards and felt a gentle stretch in muscles in the abdominal and oblique areas.

LIKELY BEST SUITED FOR:  People who love latin rhythms and love to dance, or those who are bored easily by  traditional, more conventional workout choreography. Also those who already have mild exercise experience under their belt in the form light activities such as of walking or biking. 

OVERALL RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  . 5 / 5

*NUY 40+ DISCLAIMER* Please note that all articles posted in our New Urban HEALTH Quick & Fit Series are for informational and entertainment purposes only. All exercises are not suitable for everyone and those who choose to try any video highlighted here are proceeding to do so at their own risk. Please speak to your doctor before trying any new fitness program.