We're Back, Nuy Divas!

Well Hello There, NUY Divas 😇
It's been a while. In fact it's been a long, long time. But after being away for so long, we are happy to report that New Urban Youth 40+ is back ! In the coming months there are going to be a lot of changes underway for the site as we get ready for 2018, but to start we've got a new look  and scores of new topics for readers after our extended absence. It's an understatement to say we're ecstatic to get back to all of you who have been reaching out  with your support -  so come on in  and join us as we dive right into the happenings of the day- from fashion & lifestyle news to pop culture & politics. We'll bring it all to you while marrying taste, trend, and resource for the mature, contemporary expatriate woman of color in Germany. Komm schon und let’s have a Kaffeklatsch ! It’s been ages since we've chatted and it’s time to catch up!
xo, ❤️
NUY 40+