-New Urban YUM- Appetizer, Entreé, Soup, Dessert: 4 American Party Favorites To Try for Your Next Weihnachtsfeier

Weihnachtsfeier mode is kicking into full-gear and maybe you're thinking of what to bring to your next Christmas potluck: there are likely plenty of opportunities to go around where you can pull out the trusty old frozen wings or pre-purchased "kuchen rolle", but why not try something new this season and introduce a traditional American party dish to your German friends?  Whether you're in charge of bringing an appetizer, entree, or a sweet ending for the night's festivities,  the following party recipe ideas we've tried from around the Web are tasty potluck solutions sure to please, and an impressive introduction to the wide variety of culinary styles & influences in American cooking.

A reimagined appetizer favorite available at every sports bar & steak house in America, but lightened up
with a Grecian twist: Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms with Feta & Garlic from WHOLESOME YUM

Using the New York-born variation of the classic butter-Parmesan sauce created by Italian restaurateur Alfredo di Lelio,  nothing says elegant comfort fare more than pasta in "Alfredo" sauce, like these Chicken Alfredo Lasagne Roll-Ups from LIKE MOTHER, LIKE DAUGHTER

With a fine Louisiana curve on traditional French bisques found on America's Eastern seaboard & regions of the Bayou south, this flavorful Cajun Shrimp Bisque at BEV COOKS makes for a savory, but light starter to any celebration.

Perfect coloring for Christmas: an introduction to traditional American desserts wouldn't be complete without sharing one of the best secrets of the south with this vibrant-hued, ultra moist Red Velvet Cake from GOODIE GODMOTHER

These are classics we've tested, served, and loved-  hoping you'll be inspired to give one a try, too. Be sure to join us in our next installment of NUY 40+ YUM! as we share more the recipe faves we've culled for you to test in your own New Urban Kitchens.  'Til then,

Happy Cooking!

NUY 40+